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Glendale Mold Remediation Services for Homes

Comprehensive Mold Removal for a Healthy Living Space

Great in nature but unwelcome in homes, mold does not take long to form an infestation under the right circumstances. Though it’s not always visible (or even easy to locate if you’re suspicious), mold wreaks havoc indoors since it can grow on any damp walls, floors, drywall, etc.

Any organic, porous material is ideal for mold, and as it grows, it ruins structures. At ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by ERS, our licensed, insured, and highly qualified professionals understand the significance of uncovering any mold and safely eliminating it to protect both your family and your house.

Warning signs that indicate potential mold include:

  • Noticing a mildewy or musty odor in certain areas of the home that linger
  • Feeling persistently fatigued, having worse allergy symptoms, or severe onset asthma at home
  • Finding regular condensation on glass or metal surfaces from humidity
  • Seeing dark or discolored spots on walls, ceilings, or flooring

Give us a call today at(818) 351-1195 orcontact us online for a professional opinion about potential mold growth in your Glendale home!

Common Ways Mold Enters Your Glendale Home

Unfortunately, mold has several means of sneaking indoors via mold spores:

  • Latching on to clothing, shoes, accessories, and pets
  • In the aftermath of flood damage
  • Resulting from water damage such as plumbing leaks or pipe bursts
  • Entering through open doors, windows, or cracks
  • Floating through air conditioning systems and ventilation

Mold can be found more frequently in humid places as well. No matter what, if you suspect that there is a mold presence in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out for a second opinion. It only takes a matter of hours for problems to begin, and we can stop issues in their tracks.

Effective Mold Testing Methods for Glendale Homes

There are several ways that you can test for mold exposure, including:

  • Air Sampling Tests - involve collecting airborne particles from your home using special equipment like an air pump or sampler collector device. This type of test will measure the concentration of spores present in the air.

  • Surface Testing Kits - allow you to collect samples from surfaces around your home where mold is suspected. These collections should then be sent off for laboratory analysis where they will determine if there are any elevated levels of fungal contaminants present.

  • Bulk Samples - require you to collect at least 2 inches of material from the contaminated items. This includes samples from drywall, carpet, wood, etc. You can ship your sample to a lab that specializes in identifying fungal contaminants for a thorough evaluation.

Overall, all three methods mentioned are effective in identifying mold in your home. If your test results indicate an infestation, we highly recommend hiring a professional to address the situation. Mold can quickly become a very dangerous and destructive house guest.

Who to call for mold inspection?

When you're faced with a potential mold problem, it's essential to turn to trusted professionals who specialize in mold inspection. Our team at ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by ERS is equipped with the latest technology and trained in the most up-to-date procedures to accurately and efficiently identify any mold issues. We don't just find mold, we also understand its source, the type of mold present, and the appropriate remediation steps. Our priority is to ensure your environment is safe, healthy, and free from mold-related hazards.

If you suspect mold in your home or office, reach out to our experienced mold inspection team today. We're committed to providing you with a thorough inspection and guiding you through the process of mold remediation!

Have you noticed mold in your home? Call our mold remediation specialists today at(818) 351-1195 orcontact us online.

Top Reasons to Choose ServiceMaster Fire and Water Restoration by ERS for Mold Remediation in Glendale

Let us help you understand the situation and whether your home and family are free from toxic mold. A thorough inspection of your home, especially in areas that are more prone to mold growth is crucial. And using advanced technology, we can test the indoor air quality to ensure that your family is breathing safe air.

Homeowners choose our team because:

  • We’re available 24/7 in case of emergency
  • We arrive on time for scheduled appointments
  • We thoroughly inspect the situation to find the best solution
  • We share honest pricing before any work begins
  • We’re prepared with all PPE and restoration equipment
  • We are local professionals with national standards

When you need mold remediation you can rely on in Glendale, don’t hesitate to reach out. Call us at(818) 351-1195 orcontact us online.

You Have Questions & We Have Answers

  • What is involved with mold remediation?

    The first step of any successful mold remediation project is an inspection from a qualified professional who can assess the extent of the problem and determine what needs to be done to address it. After this initial assessment, our Glendale mold remediation specialists will use special equipment such as air scrubbers, HEPA vacuums, and chemical agents to remove all traces of existing mold colonies from your property. They may also need to take steps such as repairing water damage or replacing insulation in order for the area to remain free from new outbreaks in the future. Finally, they will apply an antimicrobial solution which helps prevent future growth while helping restore indoor air quality back to normal levels. 
  • When is mold remediation required?

    Mold can cause serious health problems, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, allergic reactions, and headaches. Mold is also known to cause asthma attacks. People with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to the health effects of mold.
    If you suspect that you have mold in your home or office, it is important to have the mold tested by a professional mold removal company. If the test results indicate the presence of toxic mold, you should have the mold remediated by a professional mold removal company. Additionally, if the mold covers more than 10 square feet of your home then it will also require professional remediation to ensure that it is safely and properly removed to prevent further spread.
  • What kills black mold on wood?

    Wood is one of the favorite growing places of black mold, which prefers organic feeding grounds. (Another favored location you may have noticed of this unwanted pest is paper). 
    To understand how to kill mold, you have to understand the root cause. If you attempt topical solutions, such as frequently recommended methods like bleach or vinegar, the mold will grow back eventually. This is because there are always mold spores in the air. You can use an air cleaner or filter to remove many of the spores, but you can never clear your air of them completely.
  • How to get rid of mold spores in the air? 

    There are several ways to get rid of mold spores in the air. Here are some effective methods: 
    - Improve ventilation: Increase the flow of fresh air into your home or building. Open windows, use exhaust fans, and install air purifiers with HEPA filters to help remove mold spores from the air. 
    - Reduce humidity: Mold thrives in humid environments, so reducing the humidity levels in your home or building can help to prevent the growth of mold spores. Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners to keep the air dry and cool. 
    - Clean surfaces: Regularly clean surfaces in your home or building with a mixture of water and white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. This will help to kill mold spores and prevent them from spreading. 
    - Use mold-killing products: Use products specifically designed to kill mold spores, such as bleach, borax, or commercial mold-killing sprays. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and wear protective clothing and gloves. 
    - Hire a professional: If you have a large mold problem or are experiencing health problems related to mold exposure, it may be best to hire a professional mold removal company to properly and safely remove the mold and mold spores from your home or building.
  • How much does mold removal cost? 

    The cost of mold removal can vary widely depending on the extent of the mold growth and the size of the affected area, as well as the location and the specific methods used for remediation.

    In general, the cost of mold removal can range from a few hundred dollars for a small, isolated area to several thousand dollars for a larger, more extensive mold problem. Factors that can affect the cost include the type of mold, the location and accessibility of the affected area, the level of containment required to prevent the mold from spreading, and the specific methods used for remediation. 

    It's important to note that many insurance policies do not cover mold damage, so it's a good idea to check with your insurance company before starting the mold removal process.